Shubarkol Komir JSC

Is one of Kazakhstan's largest thermal coal producers. Due to its high calorific value and low ash content, Shubarkol coal is rightfully considered to be a clean energy source.

General Director

Sergei P. Kim

Two coal mines Central and Western form up a basis of the Company. Coal is extracted by open-pit method. Coal production in 2022 amounted to 12 mln 540 thousand tons. The Company implements projects to diversify production and solve import substitution issue. The following facilities have been commissioned: special coke production plant - production of reducing agent for the ferroalloy industry of Kazakhstan; activated carbon production shop – production of absorbent used in the hydrometallurgical, gold mining, phosphate industry and water treatment. Pilot tests of the plant for production of humic fertilizers from weathered coal of the Shubarkol deposit were completed.

Shubarkol Komir JSC

Республика Казахстан,100004, г. Караганда, ул. Асфальтная, 18

Reception Office
8 (7212) 93 01 10
8 (7212) 44 05 16

Document Administration Office
8 (7212) 93 02 85

