Ethical principles

As a global company with operations, offices and employees located across four continents, ERG is expected to be committed to the highest business, operational and ethical standards. This implies compliance with the laws of all countries in which we operate. We are responsible for our actions to our stakeholders and strive to conduct our activities in accordance with the ethical principles of ERG.

One of our fundamental commitments is to maintain the highest standards of business ethics and professionalism. These standards are reflected in  the ERG Code of Corporate Conduct  and are the foundation of what we do. The Code of Corporate Conduct sets out our standards and policies on key legal, moral and ethical issues, including anti-corruption, respect for human rights, equality, management of conflicts of interest, protection of confidential information and personal data, and is mandatory for compliance by the Board of Managers, all ERG employees outside depending on the position held, as well as ERG counterparties anywhere in the world.

The Company has also adopted  the ERG Supplier Code of Conduct , which sets out our expectations that ERG suppliers adhere to our Company's ethical business practices, including responsible supply chain management.

ERG Code of Corporate Conduct
PDF, 144.6 KB, 20.02.22
ERG Supplier Code of Conduct
PDF, 341.9 KB, 20.06.24

ERG is actively working to create a culture of open communication that provides all employees the opportunity to freely ask questions and report concerns without fear of retaliation by contacting their manager, legal, compliance or the ERG Helpline . Our business partners may also report potential risks of violation of the ERG Code of Conduct by contacting the ERG Hotline.

The ERG Hotline is a fully confidential communication channel operated by an independent operator and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

You can report a violation to the ERG Hotline:

• on the Hotline website (

• by calling the Hotline (for a list of numbers see

Compliance with ERG ethical principles by each of us and our business partners strengthens stakeholder confidence in our Company and contributes to its sustainable development.

More details about the section can be found at